Publishing a project
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Before we talk about how you should publish a project, you need to know when you shouldn't publish one.
These guidelines are here to stop you from publishing a page that hasn't passed the minimum conditions for safety on our desk. Any project failing them should not be published or promoted.
These guidelines help check you on deadline, but they also protect you from pressures around the newsroom. If you're under pressure from a more senior editor, direct that editor to these rules and loop in the Interactive News editor immediately.
These are our red lines:
All code must be on GitHub before it's on
All pages must pass an edit on the Interactive News desk, no matter who (or how senior) other editors are.
Untested code is broken code. Every page must pass functionality and design tests across our minimum testing devices before it's promoted.
The copy desk reads all Interactive News pages. Only in extreme cases should they back-edit our work. ( Chats are the only exception to this rule.)
Are you an editor who's been directed to these guidelines???
👋 Welcome. We know you're on deadline, so we'll make this brief.
All Interactive pages are a mix of both the content and the technical presentation. In an Interactive, those technical details must be edited by a qualified editor just like copy. Part of committing to an interactive page is committing to that extra overhead. We work fast, but making sure our code works for all our readers protects POLITICO's brand and our team's journalism.
Interactive News will not publish any page if we are not sure we can stand behind the code. We'll work as quickly as we can to get your page up. Thank you for your patience and reach out to the Interactive News editor for more details.
Test your code against these devices, even on deadline.
Latest version of Chrome
Latest version of Firefox
👉 Test all pages at several breakpoints. Start with Bootstrap defaults: 1200, 992 & 768 pixels wide.
👉 Remember your newsroom, especially your editors, do not represent your readers: A majority of Americans prefer Android phones. Test your code where your readers are.
Some simple guidelines for what to do before you hit the big red button.
An Interactive News editor signs off on all projects before they are published or deployed to master. See the publishing checklist below for details.
Design reviews
An editor will conduct a dedicated UX and design review with you, but editing interactive components should be an iterative process. Show your work early and often to an editor and the final edit will go much more smoothly.
Code reviews
Code reviews are required for medium and long-turn projects and for any project touching durable infrastructure like datalab. The format these will take is fluid based on the project.
Make sure you've done all these things on your project before you publish.
Here’s how to create a shell for Interactives:
go to the cms
Create “Shell article”
Put the URL of the interactive in the URL field
Put the headline in the Headline field
Put the Dek (if there is one) in the Dek and Tease fields
Attach a photo/gif/illustration (the interactives team may provide this)
Add the reporters who are listed on the interactive to the Byline
Give in the Flag “Interactives”
Give it a Category
Use all applicable tags for the shell, like you would any other article. Included in the tags should be “Interactives,” which will keep all of those graphic stories on a separate tag page and create an icon for the homepage when the interactive is displayed.
All of our stories will move through the homepage. We want them to look their best. Here's how:
Email webteam@politico
[this includes webeditors, web producers and social], include the following
If you're working with the pro team, cc them on this email at
Story info section
Send them a link and the ID of your story shell.
Run date and time
Headline, please note if it is not finalized
Dek, if applicable
The live url
Preview url, if not live
Please outline if alert should be sent. Not sure? Ask the editor.
Include alert text, if you have it
Homepage editors will select lede art for the HP display. The aspect ratio of the image is 16x9 or 1160x773
If you are working on a graphic, please attach 1-2 options for when the story moves out of the lede spot and into the b section.
These should be cut to 1160x773, but will run at a width of ~200px.
Images should have minimal text
They should clearly suggest to the reader that the story has graphical elements. Ie:
Social Medial section
Include a section tiled For Sosh.
Attach images, gifs, videos that social media can use.
Want to make a gif of the experience you've built? Consider downloading licecap.
Producer section
If the graphic is something you'd like to be included in other stories, include a line for producers asking them to include it as a parenthetical.
Hello web team, we have an interactive page going live for promotion on Monday Jan, 1 at 5am. It will need a story shell.
Headline: TK Dek: TK Live url will be: Preview the story here: aws bc
Login: **put the login here
Pass: **put the password here
B-section thumbnails: Two options attached
For Sosh Please see attached social media assets.
For Producers Please include this graphic as a parenthetical in related stories
Please contact
with any questions/concerns. Thanks,
There are two ways to get an embed into a story. You do not need a story shell for these.
In most cases:
Send your iframe
embed code to the reporter and have them include it with their email to the web team.
Send it along with this note:
"Please include this embed code with your note to the web team. Ask them to embed it as an enhancement
into the story. You may specify where you'd like it to go, if you have a placement in mind.
For more complicated builds:
Embed the code yourself once the reporter is out of the story. To do so, follow these steps
In the notes field of the cms, mention there is an embed and to contact you with any issues.
Once you've finished, email to tell them a story with embedded graphics is ready.
Hello web team, we have an embed placed in this story.
Headline: TK Slug: TK Preview the story here: Preview link from CMS
B-section thumbnails: Two options attached
For Sosh Please see attached social media assets.
For Producers Please include this graphic as a parenthetical in related stories
Please contact with any questions/concerns. Thanks,